No details found...Please provide us with the following information for us to be able to provide you with an up-to-date delivery status via E-Mail.
We apologise for any inconvenience, please note if you are not able to track your parcels at our website, then this is not our tracking number or the shipment carried by us, you must contact your suppliers or the company you made contract with and do not call or mail us. There are companies copying and using GFS Express name fraudulently. We are taking legal actions against those.: if you can not track then please contact your suppliers direct |
Internet Fraud and Actions
GFS Express is aware that fraudsters use GFS Express identity on websites, Logos, Invoices or other GFS express products or services and email messages to mislead internet shoppers. The fraudulent communications typically concern a request for advance pay through Western union, wire transfer of money to pay for goods ordered on the internet, before the goods will be allegedly shipped by GFS Express or it concerns messages that request for an advance payment before the release of some lottery prize, parcels or other information.
We advise all customers to beware of such requests for advance on-line payments, and that the existence of a consignment number (or tracking number) is not necessarily proof that a consignment is in the custody. GFS Express will never send such emails or information and can not take responsibilities for any loss to the public or commercial sectors for any kind of loss or damage, We request all clients to send us all such copies of documents to us for further investigation and action.
More important please note GFS Express will never send emails or correspondence via hotmail, gmail, yahoo or other free email providers.